CrossFit Chicago Programs
CrossFit is a skills oriented training program that develops a high level of fitness by training constantly varied, functional movements at high intensity. As such, it is necessary to first learn and develop proficiency in the functional movements that are found in our program before increasing the intensity of the workouts.
Currently only private, small groups (1-3) and one day seminars are being offered by CrossFit Chicago for 2007.
To facilitate this process, CrossFit Chicago is offering a series of two 3 week long courses (totaling 6 weeks) or 2 one day seminars collectively called CrossFit Elements. CrossFit Elements I and II can be completed by 3 week course, one day seminar or any combination of the two.
CrossFit Elements Program
Elements I - Introduces you to the functional movements (squat, pull-ups, deadlift, push-jerk...etc) used in CrossFit, and develops mastery of these movements. This class also serves to introduce you to the intensity level required to complete CrossFit workouts. (Required before entering group classes)
Elements II - Focuses on learning advanced movements such as gymnastics and the Olympic lifts: the Clean and Jerk, and the Snatch as well as other core movements. Developing these skills promotes gains in all ten aspects of fitness, as well as developing explosive power. Additional focus is placed on completing the workouts of the day (WOD) at a higher intensity level.
The CrossFit Elements classes run one hour and will consist of:
1. Warm-up
2. Core technique instruction, demonstration, participant execution and wrap-up
3. WOD applying the core technique introduced in class
It is our policy that people new to CrossFit Chicago complete an evaluation questionnairee and then attend the CrossFit Elements I Course or a series of personal coaching sessions before joining group classes.
In addition to completing the CrossFit Elements I course as a prerequisite to participating in standard group classes, CrossFit Chicago is developing a level system to insure the quality of instruction in its future classes. This insures that everyone in future classes has a base level of fitness and proficiency in the functional movements common in CrossFit.
Reality Check.
Let’s be honest, our services are not the cheapest. If you’re looking for someone to be your cheerleader, count your reps or hold your hand throughout your workouts, we suggest you look into other services or a basic health club membership. We don’t hold towels, we produce results. We don’t stand around and gossip, we are committed to your success!
Seriously, if you simply follow the guidelines of our exclusive system, and apply your best effort we know you will see the results you want. Just so there’s no misunderstanding:
• You will work for your results.
• You will be held accountable for your results.
• We’ll provide you with the best coaching available.
CrossFit Elements I (3 Week Class):
Currently private and small groups are being trained through CrossFit Chicago
Enroll early to reserve your spot, class is limited to 8 participants!
Program Times:
Program Cost:
CrossFit Elements I (One Day Seminar):
The one day seminar will be identical in content to the 3 week course. The next one day Elements I class will be in early 2007. We will announce as soon as a date is set.
Enroll early to reserve your spot, class size is limited!
Program Time:
9:00 AM - 4:00 pm
Program Cost:
Contact us to reserve your spot in class. Cost is $120.00
Click here to contact us to arrange payment.
Currently only private, small groups (1-3) and one day seminars are being offered by CrossFit Chicago for 2007.
To facilitate this process, CrossFit Chicago is offering a series of two 3 week long courses (totaling 6 weeks) or 2 one day seminars collectively called CrossFit Elements. CrossFit Elements I and II can be completed by 3 week course, one day seminar or any combination of the two.
CrossFit Elements Program
Elements I - Introduces you to the functional movements (squat, pull-ups, deadlift, push-jerk...etc) used in CrossFit, and develops mastery of these movements. This class also serves to introduce you to the intensity level required to complete CrossFit workouts. (Required before entering group classes)
Elements II - Focuses on learning advanced movements such as gymnastics and the Olympic lifts: the Clean and Jerk, and the Snatch as well as other core movements. Developing these skills promotes gains in all ten aspects of fitness, as well as developing explosive power. Additional focus is placed on completing the workouts of the day (WOD) at a higher intensity level.
The CrossFit Elements classes run one hour and will consist of:
1. Warm-up
2. Core technique instruction, demonstration, participant execution and wrap-up
3. WOD applying the core technique introduced in class
It is our policy that people new to CrossFit Chicago complete an evaluation questionnairee and then attend the CrossFit Elements I Course or a series of personal coaching sessions before joining group classes.
In addition to completing the CrossFit Elements I course as a prerequisite to participating in standard group classes, CrossFit Chicago is developing a level system to insure the quality of instruction in its future classes. This insures that everyone in future classes has a base level of fitness and proficiency in the functional movements common in CrossFit.
Reality Check.
Let’s be honest, our services are not the cheapest. If you’re looking for someone to be your cheerleader, count your reps or hold your hand throughout your workouts, we suggest you look into other services or a basic health club membership. We don’t hold towels, we produce results. We don’t stand around and gossip, we are committed to your success!
Seriously, if you simply follow the guidelines of our exclusive system, and apply your best effort we know you will see the results you want. Just so there’s no misunderstanding:
• You will work for your results.
• You will be held accountable for your results.
• We’ll provide you with the best coaching available.
CrossFit Elements I (3 Week Class):
Currently private and small groups are being trained through CrossFit Chicago
Enroll early to reserve your spot, class is limited to 8 participants!
Program Times:
Program Cost:
CrossFit Elements I (One Day Seminar):
The one day seminar will be identical in content to the 3 week course. The next one day Elements I class will be in early 2007. We will announce as soon as a date is set.
Enroll early to reserve your spot, class size is limited!
Program Time:
9:00 AM - 4:00 pm
Program Cost:
Contact us to reserve your spot in class. Cost is $120.00
Click here to contact us to arrange payment.